Thursday, March 3, 2016


C got this puppy puzzle from his friend for his birthday. 


Playing in the Snow

Happy 9th Birthday C!

His first cake is BB8 from the new Star Wars movie.

His second cake is Captain America's Shield.  

Yes, he had two cakes and two lego gifts, one on his birthday and the other a couple of days later when R arrived home.  

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Holiday Weekend - Men's Day or Defender of the Fatherland so we told R he didn't have to drive, we could take the bus.

As we entered the metro station C wondered aloud if we'd get the art train, he was delighted when we saw it pull into the station.

H is singing on the Praise Team and enjoying it!

While the girls went to Youth Group, C and I headed to Metropolis Mall, New Balance Store, Lego Store and Shake Shack!  First we found a lego (or two) for his birthday.

Then we had lunch at Shake Shack.

And dessert at Tutti Frutti.

Happy National Mint Chocolate Day!

Moscow Metro in Motion

Above and below, some of the ladies in our group.

I joined the American Women's Organization Photography Interest group as we practiced photographing things and people in motion.  

Aquarium Garden

Sunshine, a Carolina Blue Sky and the Children's Moon

Happy Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

In the winter they cover the flowers so they don't freeze.

See the white van with the rear door open?  You can't tell from the picture but that was where they were putting the ponies to transport them back to the stable.

After church C and I eat lunch at McDonalds, his choice, and then go play in the park until it is time to walk and meet the girls after their youth group meeting.  Although Valentine's Day wasn't big in Russia it is gaining popularity. There are a lot of balloons and flowers and hearts today.