I was intending to drive to NC with Shiloh and Caleb, our plans were to leave on Friday, October 16, 2020. After camping with Roger and delivering field meals to those baling cornstalks on the weekend of October 9-11, I was coughing and wheezing. Caleb was too. I figured we were struggling with seasonal allergies and asthma, not uncommon for this time of year for us. On Wednesday, October 14th I took Caleb and I to the Dr. just to confirm it was allergies/asthma and to get refills on our inhalers. We had to isolate at the doctor's office in the respiratory room. I could appreciate the caution. However, the doctor treated us as if we had the plague. She never listened to our lungs, much less my complaints. She didn't refill our inhalers, she just sent us off for covid 19 tests and an influenza test for me. And sent us home to quarantine. We canceled our NC trip. Thursday my influenza test was negative. The next day Roger started coughing and running a fever. Saturday they called me with Caleb's results, his Covid 19 test was negative. They did not have any information about me. Saturday night near midnight I took Roger to the ER as his heart rate was way too high for way too long. As expected I could not accompany him inside. They did a rapid Covid 19 test and he was positive, they admitted him to the hospital and I went home. Sunday night the State health department called me to talk to me about Roger's contacts. I asked them if they had the results of my test, they did, I was positive. Various people in our extended household were given different quarantine dates from the State Health Department according to what, if any, symptoms they had and when their exposure to me and Roger was. The state health department said they would do phone or text check-ins daily with all contacts. Some of us never got phone or text check-ins, some got one or a few. On Monday the hospital called me with my results. On Monday Molly and Micah were tested per their work requirements. Roger came home on Tuesday. Turns out in addition to Covid 19 he had a bacterial lung infection. Fortunately, he never needed a ventilator or even Remdesivir. He was on antibiotics, steroids, and large doses of vitamin C, D, and zinc. We felt like his treatment (same hospital where Caleb and I saw the Doctor)was compassionate and appropriate. We are very thankful for good health care close to home. Friday Molly and Micah got their test results, negative.
As far as symptoms:
I never ran a fever or had loss of taste or smell. I did have one afternoon where I felt like I got hit by a truck and took a nap.
Roger ran a fever, and had a rapid heart rate. His recovery was several weeks long.
Molly had a very bad headache for several days.
Shiloh had a very bad headache for several days. Months later she has a change of taste.
Micah has a change of taste months later.
Other notes: Test results were not anywhere near timely. State Health Department was not consistent in their notification pattern, quarantine dates, or check-ins. I wish antibody tests were easily available.
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