Friday, June 25, 2021


I took Ebby for her check-up one day.  Afterwards, we got a pup-cup from Dairy Queen. She thought she should sit on the console of my suburban.  Not to worry, I sent her to the back seat where she was safer.

Making Hay While the Sun Shines

 Kyle cut the hay, Tieler raked the hay, and I took down the necessary objects and fuel so they could bale the hay later tonight.  

Rosie Enjoyed an Afternoon at the Beach


Roger was Fixing His Fishing Pole

The cat thought it was a great game!

Beautiful Butterfly

 We were at Lewis buying plants and saw this butterfly land on the flower.  Better advertising you couldn't ask or pay for!

Smart Cats found a cozy place to sleep.

 Not for long, though.  I washed and hung the coveralls for next winter.  Cleaned out the truck as it is headed to scrap metal soon.  Not to worry, they actually have a couple of dedicated cat beds...

Silly Cats Playing King of the Post


We Remember on this Memorial Day

 your sacrifices and we are so thankful and blessed to live in this free country.  We seek to honor your memory by our lives.

From My Front Porch


Cotton Candy Clouds


Lemon Blueberry Pie and Lemon Meringue Pie

 YUM!  Naomi was here for a visit so I made a lemon blueberry pie, it's her favorite.  But, unfortunately, she had to leave for a work shift earlier than expected.  It didn't go to waste, as it is a favorite of several others of my people.  I'll make it for you the next time you visit Naomi!

Around the Home in May


Thursday, June 24, 2021