Friday, August 31, 2018

The Pig Arrives

 for the Pig Picken'.

After they got the pig on the cooker K made good use of his time and lots of helping hands.  See, the other day while Uncle D had some of the kids out on the boat for tubing there was a small electrical fire on the boat.  He fixed that and then D took B and J out for a spin on the boat.  They ate lunch at Shipwreck and then D dropped B and J off at the cottage  Shortly, afterwards D realized he was out of gas.  By this time it was nearly time for the photographer to arrive to take family photos.  Now, it turns out the photgraphers were friends and they had not booked anything for the day, so they agreed to come an hour later.  K and A took the double kayak to try to pull the boat back to the dock, R went with gas...another boater helped out. No harm, no foul.  But, we did add to the "Just D" stories that we frequently tell.

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