Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Friday Morning Errands

R, the driver picked me up bright and early Friday morning.  Our first stop was Metro Cash and Carry, it is like Sam's Club.  I try to buy as much heavy stuff here as I can so I don't have to walk home with it, you know, flour, sugar, laundry detergent, distilled water, canned goods, spaghetti sauce. . .and five kilogram boxes of chocolate chips.  Then we stopped at IKEA for a few odds and ends.  Last stop the airport to pick up K!  If only every errand day ended up with picking up K!  We hauled all of the bags into the apartment and then it was like Christmas, groceries, IKEA goodies AND a suitcase full of random items we had been having a hard time finding in Russia, including a crock pot.

I like to be at the airport to watch K walk down the stairs from passport control to the luggage carousel.  Understandably, R, the driver doesn't like to be at the airport any earlier than necessary. So, we arrived, R found a parking space and I headed in to the window area that overlooks the stairs from passport control and the luggage carousels.  The luggage was on the carousels and people were collecting their luggage and headed through customs.  I scanned the crowd for K and didn't see him, he had already collected his luggage AND been through customs, the plane had arrived early!  He was waiting patiently on the Moscow side of customs, so we quickly headed home!

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